Wednesday, August 31, 2011

3 Problem & Purpose Statements


Problem Statement:

Young female high school students in South San Francisco are degrading themselves by referring to their female friends in derogatory terms, wearing clothing that reveals a lot of skin, and posting up half nude pictures on social networks which displays a lack of self-respect.

Purpose Statement:

The purpose of this study was to establish awareness in young women to be knowledgeable about how they conduct themselves and to create a sense of dignity within their social lives.


Problem Statement:

Underage children between the ages of 10-14 are being susceptible to mature rated games from Gamestop, which can negatively affect their behavior.

Purpose Statement:

The purpose of this study was to educate the parents on game ratings, what they mean, and how mature rated games can affect their children.


Problem Statement:

Some drivers in downtown San Francisco chose not to put their blinker on when they cut in another lane which can cause accidents or frustration in other drivers.

Purpose Statement:

The purpose of this study was to illustrate poor driving skills and create awareness in drivers of the consequences of not using your turning signals.

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